fitflop Sale EXTENDED
Sales & discounts for fitflop, Bratpack brands during fitflop sale which has been extended until 31 August 2016!(Merdeka Day Celebration)
When: Until 31 August 2016 falls on wednesday
Sale available at fitflop Res.Toe.Run & Bratpackstores nationwide
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Terms & Conditions apply.
Head on to the store/sale location for more details.
(Right Click image for bigger image)
Excluding Fitflop Mid Valley, Parkson,
Isetan, Robinsons & Sogo KL
Style availability may vary by store
Fanny Eue: went there last week for Mid Valley shop, limited design and size for sales. End up buying normal price item. Please make sure you have enough size or design for this extension sales. The sales girl told me some design also sales for 1 size :( 31hb Julai jam 9.57 ptg
Wong Lisa: Went to rest toe run in publika this noon and they told me the promo is no longer available for Novy. They are keeping the stock back to store. No reason is given.
Liew Choi Yun Got mine at Putrajaya ioi city mall 2 1hb Ogos jam 5.06 pagi
Ann Ding Ann where as i gone to midvalley robinson and isetan only got one design the plastic top one......which outlet had more design. TQ 4 August at 21:16
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