Yves Rocher Lipsticks Exchange Promotion 2015.
Check out Yves Rocher Lipsticks Exchange Promotion today!
Yves Rocher Lipsticks Exchange Promotion is on with offers on beauty products! So check out the Yves Rocher Lipsticks Exchange Promotion while offer still last.When: until 31 Oct 2015 (Saturday)
Exchange your old lipstick for Yves Rocher lipstick at 50% off.
Valid for Moisturizing lipstick (usual price: RM57) and Grand Rouge lipstick (usual price: RM68).
Limited to one exchange per person only.
It will need to be the full size old lipstick. Mini sample lipstick is not valid.
It can be other brands.(other than Yves Rocher lipstick is acceptable )
You may exchange your used or unused lipstick for Yves Rocher new lipstick at 50% off normal price.
While stocks last. Terms and conditions apply.
Hurry n don't miss out on Yves Rocher Lipsticks Exchange Promotion offers! See you at
Yves Rocher Sunway Pyramid
Yves Rocher 1 Utama Shopping Centre
Yves Rocher Alamanda Putrajaya
Yves Rocher Setia City Mall
Yves Rocher Suria Sabah Shopping Mall
“Share” this fabulous news with your X-tra awesome friends n family!
Terms & Conditions apply.
Head on to the store/sale location for more details.
(Right Click image for bigger image)
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