Famous Amos Cookies Tuesday Brown Day Promo 2014.
Check out Famous Amos Cookies Tuesday Brown Day Promo today!
Famous Amos Cookies Tuesday Brown Day Promo is on with offers on cookies! So check out Famous Amos Cookies Tuesday Brown Day Promo while offer still last.When: 9 September 2014(Tuesday)
Get 20% extra Famous Amos Crunchy Cookies with purchase of every 200g and above in a single bag at Famous Amos.
Add-On Deal with purchase of Brown Day deal:
Soft & Chewy Cookies at 30% off (limited to 2 pcs per transaction)
Amos Creamy at 30% off (only at Famous Amos outlets with ice cream)
Beverage at 50% off (only at Famous Amos Cafe cum Retail Shop at SS2 and Alamanda Putrajaya)
Hurry n don't miss out on Famous Amos Cookies Tuesday Brown Day Promo offers! See you at....
Check out http://famousamos.com.my/locations.aspx for outlet locations.
Famous Amos offers the signature freshly baked crunchy cookies, as well as the "Soft & Chewy Cookies" with variety of flavor for cookies lovers who indulge in freshly baked soft cookies . Muffins, Brownies, Chocolate, Confectionery pick and mix are complimentary products commonly found in Famous Amos outlets.
Also, we have transformed to a cookies boutique with a selected range of cookies in gift tins and wide variety of gift packaging. All gift packaging are also complimented with imported chocolates and premium items which are creatively packed into unique gifts.
Our premium hampers are available throughout the year inclusive of festive hampers too.
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Terms & Conditions apply.
Head on to the store/sale location for more details.
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