Baskin Robbins Wednesday PINK DAY: 12 SEPT 2012

1:08:00 PM


Grab yourself any a Cappuccino Blast that’s just a perfect blend of coffee made from 100% Arabica coffee beans & Baskin-Robbins ice cream. Slurp down this treat that’s filled with delicious flavors such as Mint Chocolate Chip, Cookies ‘n Cream, Vanilla or even Praline ‘n Cream.
Not really a coffee lover ? Fret not ! go for a pure blend of rich chocolate ice cream in our yummy’licious Chocolate Blast !

To make the deal even sweeter, every Wednesday is a Pink Wednesday at Baskin-Robbins ! Show us anything PINK & you can add a scoop of ice cream to your Blast with just an additional RM 3.10+ !

Have a BLAST Pink Wednesday at Baskin-Robbins !

Terms & Conditions apply.
Head on to the store for more details.

Baskin-Robbins Malaysia Wednesday is BR Pink Day

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